Emigration maps
Thousands of Russian emigrants from dozens of countries across different continents take part in the OutRush surveys. Thanks to their participation, we have been able to create maps—a clear and accessible format for visualizing data for anyone interested in the topic of Russian emigration. We plan to update the maps as new surveys are conducted. When interpreting the maps, please pay attention to the methodological limitations of the study listed below.
Methodological limitations
  1. The country samples are convenient samples. The limitation of such sampling is that the collected data do not represent all Russian emigrants who left between 2022 and 2024. Nevertheless, the estimates based on our data align with those from other sources (see the preprint, page 22), which suggests that our data are generally reliable and reflect reality.
  2. Although the samples are convenient, the recruitment methods do not differ across countries. This likely leads to similar biases, making cross-country comparisons possible.
  3. In some countries, we collected too few observations to calculate averages (in statistics, 30 observations is typically considered the minimum acceptable number for calculating a mean). On the map, you can choose to display only countries with more than 30 observations, but we also include countries with fewer observations for illustrative purposes.
  4. When comparing countries, it's important to keep in mind that different kinds of people end up in different countries—they may have different professions, ages, or economic means. For example, if emigrants in some countries appear happier than in others, this may mean that: 1) some countries offer a more favorable environment for psychological well-being, and/or 2) some countries attract people with more resources (economic, social, etc.) to be happy. Therefore, if you notice cross-country differences on any variable, it’s important to understand that these differences may be due not only to the specific characteristics of the countries, but also to the specific characteristics of the people who ended up there.
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